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Daily Archives: March 7th, 2010

Weekend Fever is no more according to a group notice sent out by Gyorgyna Larnia.

I’m really sorry to announce that this week has been the last for this event…new things are coming…better people to work with, better items to come, and more smiles.

❤ Gyo

P.S. YAY, a free slot for your groups!! 😛

As a designer being a part of the Weekend Fever group I was saddened by this, however I can understand that one person cannot keep a group going alone. I will miss it, as it brought a lot of attention I would have otherwise not have gotten, and met a lot of people I probably would have not. Hopefully something new will come to light, it seems there is a prelude within the message. Just maybe?

Dotty Latte

O! Bleak has just opened a small stall at the high traffic fashion couture sim D.C. District Style. We’re testing the sim out by renting a small stall at first, hopefully we will get sufficient sales to move up to one of the larger stores on the main floor. Hopefully we will be contacted by more sims to rent small shop space to expand O! Bleak, we will see where this leads us in the future!

Dotty Latte